
Parameters are used to configure the applet. Many have a default value - one that is used when omitted. If any parameter default value suits your requirement no reference to that parameter is needed in the applet HTML tags. Save space by leaving it out.
    Parameter names are not case sensitive (appletdata is the same as APPLETDATA) but values may be. Where case sensitivity is important it's a good idea to use quotation marks "..." to protect values from accidental case changes.

applet parameters
appletdata <param name=appletdata value="xxx">
where "xxx" is either the [path/]name of a configuration data file or the data itself. If path information is included it should be relative to the documentbase directory.

default value: no default, this param must be specified.
more info: configuration data

delimiters <param name=delimiters value="xx">
where "xx" are a character pair to be decoded as configuration data tag delimiters.

default value: "<>"
more info: configuration data

icongraphic <param name=icongraphic value="xxx">
where "xxx" is the [path/]name of an image file that contains icons for the applet control buttons, usually a transparent background GIF. If path information is included it should be relative to the documentbase directory.

default value: no default, this param must be specified.
more info: buttons graphic file

canvasgraphic <param name=canvasgraphic value="xxx">
where "xxx" is the [path/]name of a GIF or JPG image file that is to be used to tile the applet canvas area background. If path information is included it should be relative to the documentbase directory.

default value: none

borderwidth <param name=borderwidth value=x>
where x is the thickness of the applet external border in screen pixels. A value of zero turns the border off.

minimum value: 0   maximum value: 8   default value: 1

borderstyle <param name=borderstyle value=x>
where x is a number representing the style of the applet border. Possible values are 1 = solid, 2 = 3D raised, 3 = 3D sunk, 4 = 3D normal.

minimum value: 1   maximum value: 4   default value: 1
more info: bordercolor

canvasborder <param name=canvasborder value=x>
where x is the thickness of the no-paint canvas border (the canvas is the area where images and text appear).

minimum value: 0   maximum value: 24   default value: 4

deflayout <param name=deflayout value=xx>
where xx is a 2-digit number representing the default layout to apply to displayed images and text.

minimum value: 10   maximum value: 32   default value: 10
more info: canvas layout

paragraph <param name=paragraph value="x">
where "x" is a character (in configuration data text) to be decoded as a paragraph break. "^" or "~" are usually good choices.

default value: none

<param name=btnwidth value=x>
<param name=btnheight value=x>
where x is the width and height of each of the 4 applet control buttons.

minimum values: width 15, height 15
maximum values: width 99, height 99
default values: width 36, height 25
more info: buttons graphic file

panelstyle <param name=panelstyle value=x>
where x is a number representing the border style applied to panels (caption bar and button bar). Available styles are 1 = no border, 2 = outlined border, 3 = 3D raised border, 4 = 3D sunk border.

minimum value: 1   maximum value: 4   default value: 1

showcaption <param name=showcaption value=x>
where x is either 0 (caption panel hidden) or 1 (caption panel visible).

default value: 1 (visible)

<param name=textfont value="xxx,y,z">
<param name=captionfont value="xxx,y,z">
<param name=hintfont value="xxx,y,z">

where "xxx,y,z" represent facename,style,pointsize respectively. Possible styles are 0 = plain, 1 = italic, 2 = bold, 3 = bold italic.

textfont is used for descriptive text
captionfont is used for captions
hintfont is used for button hints and '1-n' caption message

default value: "Helvetica,0,12"

Note: Some earlier versions of Netscape Java appear to produce incorrect results when calculating font heights and widths. This is especially true for the Dialog font face, avoid using it.

scrollwidth <param name=scrollwidth value=x>
where x is the scrollbar width in screen pixels. To turn the scrollbar off omit this parameter.

minimum value: 8   maximum value: 24   default value: 0 (scrollbar off)
more info: scrollcolor parameter.

btnhints <param name=btnhints value="xxx">
where xxx is a comma-delimited string of 4 hints, for example "view,prev,next,stop". Only strings containing four hints will be accepted. For no hints omit this parameter.

default value: "" empty string (no hints)

Note: Take care none of your hints overlap the progress bar, size the applet to suit.

listcaption <param name=listcaption value="xxx">
where xxx is the caption text string to display when the list is displayed.

default value: "" empty string

loadcaption <param name=loadcaption value="xxx">
where xxx is the caption text string to display when image loading is in progress.

default value: "" empty string

<param name=canvascolor value=x>
<param name=textcolor value=x>
<param name=bordercolor value=x>
<param name=panelcolor value=x>
<param name=scrollcolor value=x>
<param name=captioncolor value=x>
<param name=progresscolor value=x>
where x is a decimal or hexadecimal color number. Hexadecimal numbers are prefixed with either 0x or #.

canvascolor is that of image/text display area background
textcolor is that of descriptive text
bordercolor is that of the external border
panelcolor is that of caption & button panels background
scrollcolor is that of scrollbar background
captioncolor is that of caption and hint text
progresscolor is that of the loading progress bar

default values:
canvascolor: #FFFFFF (white)
textcolor, captioncolor: #000000 (black)
bordercolor, panelcolor, scrollcolor: #CCCCCC (silver gray)
progresscolor: #CC0000 (red)

more info: visual appearance

Note: When specifying colors use those that are included in the 'safe browser palette' to avoid dithering. Safe colors are those constructed using only the hexadecimal numbers 00, 33, 66, 99, CC and FF. For example, #6699FF is a legal safe color but #80F6D5 is not. In hexadecimal notation the leading double digit represents the red content, the middle the green content and the trailing the blue content. So the color number #FF9900 means maximum red, a moderate amount of green, and no blue.

instancekey <param name=instancekey value="xxx">
where xxx is a text string designed to uniquely identify an instance of the applet. When set the instancekey tells that applet instance to remember where it was if the applet user leaves the HTML document containing the applet and returns within a short time.

An instancekey can be any string that is unlikely to be duplicated by another instance of SlideShow with it's intancekey set.

What happens if two or more applet instances are trying to use the instancekey at the same time? The one that started last will take priority, other instancekeys will be thrown away and the applet instances that used them will (usually) restart at the beginning of the presentation when returned to.
    Users may find that, in Netscape, SlideShow will remember where it was without an instancekey set. However MSIE requires the instancekey to be set to perform in the same way.

If you are using only one instance of SlideShow displaying just one set of images you probably don't need to use this parameter, as users can easily get back to where they were by selecting from the list view.

default value: none
more info: see ss_demo2.html source.


glossary of terms
documentbase The folder or directory that contains the HTML source file.
codebase The folder or directory that contains the applet class files.


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